If you want to increase your strength and raise your awareness as well as get a better training technique, then our PWR.8 Strength Bootcamp might be something for you.

At our PWR.8 Strength Bootcamp, you train with a focus on basic strength training in a small group. That is Squat, deadlift, bench press, row, abs, arms, etc. The whole body is trained through with a focus on understanding, as well as mastery of optimal technique and "mind-muscle-connection". There will be a maximum of 4 people in the team and as part of the course, you will get a personal program that you can take with you when/if you train alone or for example in our Burn&Build team in relation to which weights you have to choose.

The course is aimed at you who are already training or would like to start strength training, but would like to train even more focused, so that during the course you can progress in relation to strength, muscle building and possibly weight loss.

Duration : 1 weekly fixed hour for 8 weeks.

Price DKK 1,500

Location : Our personal training room; Studio 4 at Østerbro

Start : Week 18 (training up to and including week 25)

Times :

  • Mondays at 16.00-17.00 (Sold Out)
  • Mondays at 17.15-18.15 (Sold out)
  • Thursdays at 07.00-08.00 (Sold Out)
  • Saturdays at 11.00-12.00 (Sold Out)
  • Sundays at 10.30-11.30 (Sold Out)